SQL Server Permissions
  • 16 Feb 2021
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SQL Server Permissions

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Article Summary

When using the Commvault agent to backup your MS SQL server, you will need to apply the permissions below to allow DB Backups.

The steps below illustrate how to accomplish this using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2017 Deployment.

1. Expedient will need 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'  added to SQL with sysadmin rights in order to perform backups. Please ensure this has been completed on your server.

Expand “Security” > “Logins” and locate “NT Authority\SYSTEM”

2. Right click this login and choose “Properties”

Once the login properties are displayed, select page “Server Roles”

Be sure to check the box “sysadmin” for this account.  When finished, select OK.

Using a Different Service Account
If specifying a separate service account, preform the same steps as above, with your service accounts credentials.  Additionally, this account will need to be added to the system as a user, this is necessary for Commvault to connect to the system and preform SQL backups.  When finished, you will want to securely provide these credentials to the service delivery technician assigned to your ticket, they will need these credentials for configuring your backup.t goes here

 The instructional video below was taken while using SQL Server 2019 and MS SQL Management Studio 18.4, depending on your version it may look different than what is presented below, but the concept remains the same.

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