How-to Check Protection Job Status
  • 11 Feb 2022
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How-to Check Protection Job Status

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Article Summary


The Protection Job is responsible for grouping the Protection Sources and Policies on the Cloud Data Protection platform. Therefore the Protection Job is the construct to review for checking job status and logs. The below procedure details how to review protection jobs for their status and a quick overview on how to review job logs.


  1. Log in to the Cloud Data Protection system.
  2. Upon logging into the cluster, the webpage should automatically redirect to the Protection Jobs page.
  3. If you are not automatically directed to this page or are on a different page, from the navigation menu to the left of the page, select Data ProtectionProtection

  4. This page will be a dashboard that provides an overview of all protection runs in the past 24 hours.
  5. In this example, we can verify that the Protection Policies "SQL-Protection-Job" is currently running and  "VM-Protection-Job" succeeded during its last run. 
    1. In the Status column, you can review this; hovering over the icons provides additional information.
  6. To review the job details, click the row containing the job you'd like more information about.
    1. This will now direct you to the details for the protection runs for this particular Protection Policy.
    2. To modify the display time frame or the type of jobs displayed, utilize the calendar or select the list view to see all jobs.
    3. We can see that this job has been encountering errors for quite some time on this page.
    4. To review a particular Protection Job run, Select the date
    5. This brings up the details for this specific job run
    6. To further examine the logs of a specific server, select the Drop Down Arrow ()

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