How-to Modify Retention on a Protection Run
  • 17 May 2022
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How-to Modify Retention on a Protection Run

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Article Summary


The Cloud Data Protection platform runs Protection Jobs on a defined schedule with preset retention. However, an administrator can modify this value manually.      

Storage Utilization
Please note that the longer backup runs are kept, the more space they will utilize on the system. This is due to many factors such as change rate, deduplication, and compression. When extending the retention on a backup run, ensure you have enough available space and you wish to dedicate this space to keep the specified data on the system longer.     


  1. Log in to the appropriate Cloud Data Protection system
  2. Upon logging into the cluster, you should be directed to the Protection Jobs page
  3. If you are not automatically directed to this page or are on a different page, from the navigation bar at the top of the page, select the ProtectionProtection Jobs tab
  4. Locate the protection job for which you wish to modify retention on one of its protection runs and Click it
  5. You will now be located on the Protection Job Runs screen. Locate the particular run you wish to modify the retention on, select the Context Menu Icon, and select Edit Run
  6. Select the toggle next to Edit 
    1. Utilize the drop-down menu to either Extend or Reduce the retention
    2. Utilize the drop-down menu and free form field to select the amount of time to either extend or reduce the retention 
      1. Though indefinite is not an option, 99 Years will fulfill the same purpose
    3. Confirm the New Expiration Date and select Save
  7. The retention of the Job Run has now been modified.

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