Microsoft 365 Application(s) Data Recovery
  • 16 Jun 2023
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Microsoft 365 Application(s) Data Recovery

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Article Summary


You can restore Microsoft 365(Exchange and OneDrive) data using Cohesity at various granularities, such as the drive, email, file, folder, and mailbox level. You can restore to the exact location, alternate location, or across Microsoft 365 domains.

Please review and understand the Considerations and Best Practices before restoring Microsoft 365 data.

Restore Exchange Mailboxes

To restore mailboxes, you can search through the backups using a username or a string pattern in the username for the mailbox you plan to restore and then start the restore operation.

You can use the * character to list all the mailboxes.

  1. In the Cohesity Dashboard, select Data Protection > Recoveries. Click Recover on the top-right of the page and then select Microsoft 365 > Mailboxes as the recovery source.
  2. On the Recover Microsoft 365 page, select Mailboxes.
  3. Search the user mailbox to be recovered, select the mailboxes you need, and click Continue.
  4. Based on your requirements, select any one of the following options:
Recover to the same mailbox (default)Same mailbox: To restore data to the same mailbox from which it was backed up.
Restore Mailboxes to an alternate locationAlternate location in the same Microsoft 365 domain: Choose the mailbox to which the data needs to be restored.
Alternate location in a different Microsoft 365 domain: Choose the Microsoft 365 Server and select the Mailbox to which the data needs to be restored.

Microsoft 365 domains must be registered as sources with the same Cohesity cluster. For more details, see Register Microsoft 365 Source Within Cohesity.

  1. Toggle on Continue with recovery even on error to complete the recovery task even if errors are reported during the recovery process.
  2. Click Start Recovery to start the restore operation.

Restore Exchange Emails and Folders

To restore emails and folders, you need to search through the backups for the email or folders using the following search filters:

Search FiltersDescription
FromMail sender email address
ToMail recipient email address
SubjectSubject line for the email
Folder NameFolder name which needs to be restored
Start DateTime interval
End Date
Only show Emails with AttachmentsSearch only the emails with attachments
Only show FoldersSearch only the folders
CcThe user email address that was added as a cc in the email
BccThe user email address that was added as bcc in the email
Microsoft 365 ServerFrom the drop-down list, select the Microsoft 365 server.
MailboxFrom the drop-down list, select the mailboxes from which you want to restore the emails or folders.
Protection GroupFrom the drop-down list, select the Protection Group.

To restore emails and folders:

  1. In the Cohesity Dashboard, select Data Protection > Recoveries. Click the plus icon Recover on the top-right of the page and then select Microsoft 365 as the recovery source.
  2. On the Recover Microsoft 365 page, select Emails.
  3. Search the emails or folders using the search filter, and click Search.
  4. Select the mailbox from the results, and click Continue.
  5. Based on your requirements, select any one of the following options:
Recover to the same mailbox (default)Same mailbox: To restore data to the same mailbox from which it was backed up.
Restore Mailboxes to an alternate locationAlternate location in the same Microsoft 365 domain: Choose the mailbox to which the data needs to be restored.
Alternate location in a different Microsoft 365 domain: Choose the Microsoft 365 Server and select the Mailbox to which the data needs to be restored.

Microsoft 365 domains must be registered as sources with the same Cohesity cluster. For more details, see Register Microsoft 365 Source Within Cohesity.

  1. Toggle on Continue with recovery even on error to complete the recovery task even if errors are reported during the recovery process.
  2. Click Start Recovery to start the restore operation.

Restore OneDrive

To restore a OneDrive, you need to search through the backups by username or Protection Group name of the OneDrive that you plan to restore and then start the restore operation.

  1. In the Cohesity Platform, select Data Protection > Recoveries. Click Recover on the top-right of the page and then select Microsoft 365 > OneDrive as the recovery source.
  2. On the Recover Microsoft 365 page, select OneDrives.
  3. In the Recover section, select OneDrives.
  4. Search using the user or protection group name, select the user OneDrive you need to restore, and click Continue.
  5. Based on your requirements, select one of the following options:
Recover to the same drive (default)Same OneDrive: To restore data to the same OneDrive from which it was backed up.
Restore OneDrive items to an alternate locationAn alternate folder within the same drive: Choose the target user drive the same as the source user drive and keep the default folder name or provide the folder name to which the file should be restored.
Alternate location in the same Microsoft 365 domain: Choose the OneDrive to which data needs to be restored.
Alternate location in a different Microsoft 365 domain: Choose the Microsoft 365 Server and select the OneDrive to which the data needs to be restored.

If the files and folders already exist in the folder, the file is restored to the latest version.

Microsoft 365 domains must be registered as sources with the same Cohesity cluster. For more information, see Register Microsoft 365 Source Within Cohesity.

  1. Click Start Recovery to start the restore operation.

Restore OneDrive Files and Folders

To restore files or folders, you can either search for the files/folders or browse through the backups using the user OneDrive name and then select the file or folder you plan to restore.

  1. In the Cohesity Platform, select Data Protection > Recoveries. Click Recover on the top-right of the page and then select Microsoft 365 as the recovery source.
  2. In the Recovery section, select any one of the following to search for the file or folder:
    • Browse and Restore. You can browse the individual user OneDrive to navigate and select the files or folders to be restored.
    • Search and Restore. You can use the global search to find the files and folders that need to be restored.
  3. If you plan to browse and recover, do the following:
    1. In the Recover section, select Browse and Recover.
    2. Search for the username and click the username to browse the drive for the user.
    3. Select the file or folder you plan to restore. Click to Add to Cart.
    4. Click Save to continue to restore. Alternatively, choose Save and Continue to select multiple files.
    5. Click Continue.
  4. If you plan to search and recover, do the following:
    1. In the Recover section, select Search and Restore.
    2. Search for the file or folder name you intend to recover.
    3. Click Continue.
  5. Based on your requirements, select any one of the following options:
Recover to the same drive (default)Same OneDrive: To restore data to the same OneDrive from which it was backed up.
Restore OneDrive items to an alternate locationAn alternate folder within the same drive: Choose the target user drive the same as the source user drive and keep the default folder name or provide the folder name to which the file should be restored.
Alternate location in the same Microsoft 365 domain: Choose the OneDrive to which data needs to be restored.
Alternate location in a different Microsoft 365 domain: Choose the Microsoft 365 Server and select the OneDrive to which the data needs to be restored.

If the restored file already exists in the folder, the file is restored to the latest version.

Microsoft 365 domains must be registered as sources with the same Cohesity cluster. For more information, see Register Microsoft 365 Source Within Cohesity.

  1. Click Start Recovery to start the restore operation.

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