Create Custom Dashboard or Modify Existing Dashboards
- 02 Nov 2022
- DarkLight
Create Custom Dashboard or Modify Existing Dashboards
- Updated on 02 Nov 2022
- DarkLight
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- Login into Operations CTRL - Monitoring (
- Click the "hamburger" icon in the upper left corner and click Analytics → Dashboard
- Click "Create Dashboard"
- Dashboards are a container that dictate the size and organization for a number of reusable Elastic Saved Objects in the form of Panels such as:
- Visualizations
- Lens
- Metrics
- Textbox
- Saved Search
- Map
- Data View (not a Panel, determines what data is used in a Panel)
- etc.
- Click "Add from Library" to see the list of available Panels to add.
- Once you have added a Panel you can resize and adjust the position of the Panel
- There are many things you can do with a dashboard. If you have never created a dashboard there is a lot of Elastic documentation to assist such as:
- Create your first dashboard | Kibana Guide [8.4] | Elastic
- There are a number of videos available from Elastic as well Elastic - YouTube
- When creating a dashboard we suggest:
- Using a descriptive name for the dashboard such as "<Service Name> - < 3-5 word description >"
- When saving the Dashboard use the description field to indicate what the dashboard would be used for, who might find it useful, or anything else that might be helpful
- Attach appropriate tags to indicate which service the Dashboard applies to.
- When updating a dashboard we suggest:
- Rename the dashboard so it is not overwritten when Expedient dashboards are updated or an Elastic Upgrade is performed.
- Try to use names such as "<Service Name> - < 3-5 word description >
- When saving the Dashboard change the description field to indicate what the dashboard would be used for, who might find it useful, or anything else that might be helpful
- Attach appropriate tags to indicate which service the Dashboard applies to.
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