Create Custom Dashboard or Modify Existing Dashboards
  • 02 Nov 2022
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Create Custom Dashboard or Modify Existing Dashboards

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Article summary

  1. Login into Operations CTRL - Monitoring (
  2. Click the "hamburger" icon in the upper left corner and click Analytics → Dashboard
  3. Click "Create Dashboard"
  4. Dashboards are a container that dictate the size and organization for a number of reusable Elastic Saved Objects in the form of Panels such as:
    1. Visualizations
    2. Lens
    3. Metrics
    4. Textbox
    5. Saved Search
    6. Map
    7. Data View (not a Panel, determines what data is used in a Panel)
    8. etc.
  5. Click "Add from Library" to see the list of available Panels to add. 
  6. Once you have added a Panel you can resize and adjust the position of the Panel
  7. There are many things you can do with a dashboard. If you have never created a dashboard there is a lot of Elastic documentation to assist such as:
    1. Create your first dashboard | Kibana Guide [8.4] | Elastic
    2. There are a number of videos available from Elastic as well Elastic - YouTube
  8. When creating a dashboard we suggest:
    1. Using a descriptive name for the dashboard such as "<Service Name> - < 3-5 word description >"
    2. When saving the Dashboard use the description field to indicate what the dashboard would be used for, who might find it useful, or anything else that might be helpful
    3. Attach appropriate tags to indicate which service the Dashboard applies to.
  9. When updating a dashboard we suggest:
    1. Rename the dashboard so it is not overwritten when Expedient dashboards are updated or an Elastic Upgrade is performed.
    2. Try to use names such as "<Service Name> - < 3-5 word description >
    3. When saving the Dashboard change the description field to indicate what the dashboard would be used for, who might find it useful, or anything else that might be helpful
    4. Attach appropriate tags to indicate which service the Dashboard applies to.

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