Heartbeat VM creation
  • 29 Jul 2022
  • Dark

Heartbeat VM creation

  • Dark

Article Summary

The Heartbeat Virtual Machine will serve two purposes in your Operations Control Environment. First, it will serve as an Uptime Monitor sending ping requests to each server set up for monitoring. Second, it will serve as a proxy to allow your vCenter / Hyper-V / Nutanix environment to be inventoried and accessible via the Operations CTRL platform.

Heartbeat Server Creation

  1. Requirements
    1. CPU Cores: 4 (Minimum)
    2. RAM: 4 GB (Minimum)
    3. Disk: 20 GB (Minimum)
    4. Network Connectivity to monitored subnets.
    5. Network Connectivity to CTRL.expedient.cloud over port 443.
    6. Superuser privileges via the sudo command for the user installing the Morpheus worker package.
    7. A VM running Ubuntu Linux 18.04 will need to be deployed within your cloud environment.
    8. Access to base yum or apt repos. Access to Optional RPM repos may be required for RPM distros.
  2. Once the base server is built, download the appropriate package from Morpheus Hub based on your target Linux distribution and version for installation in a directory of your choosing. The package can be removed after successful installation:

    wget https://downloads.morpheusdata.com/files/morpheus-worker_5.4.8-1_amd64.deb
  1. Validate the package checksum as compared with the values indicated on Hub:

    sha256sum morpheus-worker_5.4.8-1_amd64.deb
  1. Next, install the package using your selected distribution's package installation command and your preferred options:

    sudo dpkg -i morpheus-worker_5.4.8-1_amd64.deb
  1. Run the configuration script:

    sudo morpheus-worker-ctl reconfigure
  1. Once these steps are complete, please notify your Project Manager / Delivery Engineer and provide them with the IP / FQDN of your vCenter / Hyper-V / Nutanix Server.

Morpheus Worker Configuration

  1. You will be provided an API Key by your Delivery Engineer.
  2. Head back to the worker box with the API key in hand and configuration complete in Morpheus UI. Configure the gateway by editing /etc/morpheus/morpheus-worker.rb and updating the following:
# This is the worker URL the |morpheus| appliance can resolve and reach over port 443. Please use the Worker IP Address.

worker_url 'https://gateway_worker_url'

# The resolvable URL of |morpheus| appliance, which the worker can reach over port 443.

worker['appliance_url'] = 'https://ctrl.expedient.cloud'

# Distributed Worker API Key provided by Delivery Engineer

worker['apikey'] = 'API KEY FOR THIS GATEWAY'

# Distributed Worker API Key provided by Delivery Engineer.

worker['worker_key'] = 'DISTRIBUTED WORKER KEY'

  1. After all configuration options have been set, run the following command to reconfigure to install and configure the worker, Nginx, and guacd services:

    sudo morpheus-worker-ctl reconfigure
  1. The worker reconfigure process will install and configure the worker, Nginx, and guacd services and dependencies.
# Tip

If the reconfigure process fails due to a missing dependency, add the repo that the missing dependency can be found in and run again.

# Note

Configuration options can be updated after the initial reconfigure by editing /etc/morpheus/morpheus-worker.rb and running sudo morpheus-worker-ctl reconfigure again.

  1. Once the installation is complete, the Morpheus worker service will automatically start and open a web socket with the specified Morpheus appliance. To monitor the startup process, run morpheus-worker-ctl tail to tail the worker's logs, Nginx, and guacd services. Individual services can be tailed by specifying the service, for example, morpheus-worker-ctl tail worker
  2. Your Delivery Engineer will work with you to install the Morpheus Agent on the Heartbeat / Worker Server.

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