How-to Create a Protection Job for Cloud Snapshot Management
  • 17 Aug 2022
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How-to Create a Protection Job for Cloud Snapshot Management

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Article Summary


The Cloud Data Protection system uses Cloud Snapshot Management APIs to back up Azure Virtual Machines and AWS Cloud services. Cloud snapshots backed up this way will be stored in the same cloud service but can be restored to a different account or region. 

Before creating a Protection Job, your cloud service account must be registered in the Cloud Data Protection system. If not already registered, please follow the instructions below appropriate for your cloud service type.

Azure Subscription



  1. Log in to the Cloud Data Protection system.
  2. You should be directed to the Protection page upon logging into the cluster.
  3. If you are not automatically directed to this page or are on a different page, from the navigation bar at the left of the page, select the Data ProtectionProtection tab

  4. Click the Protect button in the top right corner, then select Virtual Machines.
  5. In the New Protection form, click More Options.
  6. Under the Source list, select either an AWS or Azure Cloud source.
  7. Next, select Snapshot Manager as the Protection Group Type and a list of resources under Objects should populate.
  8. Check the box next to the VMs you wish to select for backup and click Save Selection.
  9. Provide a name for the Protection Job and utilize the drop-down menu to specify the Protection Policy
    1. Note that Expedient manages Protection Policies. If you need to modify a Protection Policy, please open a ticket with the OSC.
  10. Utilize the drop-down menu to specify the Storage Domain. If there are multiple options, always select the one that ends in _DP to ensure you are utilizing the correct space. 
  11. Select Protect to save your configurations.

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