How-to Register a MS SQL Server
  • 23 Feb 2022
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How-to Register a MS SQL Server

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Article Summary


To add a server to a protection job protecting a specific installed application (SQL, Exchange), the server must be registered with the Cloud Data Protection platform after completing the agent install.

System Requirements

Please ensure the VM has up-to-date VMware Tools installed and network connectivity on TCP Ports 111, 443, 445, 902, 2049, 3260, 5986, 50051, and 8080. Additionally, please reach out to Expedient to add a static route to the Cohesity cluster you intend to register the MS SQL server in. By default, all external communication is blocked.


  1. Log in to the respective Cloud Data Protection system.
  2. Ensure you have installed the Cohesity Helper App.
  3. Upon logging into the cluster, you should be directed to the Protection Jobs page.
  4. To register a SQL server, select the Data Protection Sources tab from the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the page.
  5. Select the vCenter instance displayed under the VMware grouping

  6. Select the All Objects tab and locate the VM you wish to register SQL on
  7. Select the Context Menu Icon () and select Register Applications

  8. Leave the default Installed Agent option selected
  9. Select MS SQL

  10. Select Register
  11. You will be redirected to the Sources page. 
  12. Allow a few minutes for the registration to complete and refresh the page to verify that the registration has been successful.

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