Validate a Recovery Plan
  • 04 Oct 2024
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Validate a Recovery Plan

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Article summary

Nutanix offers two options for handling VMs and volume groups during a failover: Migrate and Activate. Additional functionality for Testing (bubble testing) and Validation are available to assist with identifying any issues with disaster recovery and recovery plans. Contact Expedient support for more information on DR testing.

Recovery plan validation does not perform a failover like the test failover does, but reports warnings and errors.

  1. Log in to the Prism Central web console, select the Infrastructure application from Application Switcher Function, and go to Data Protection > Recovery Plans from the Navigation Bar.


  2. Select the checkbox associated with the recovery plan and click Validate from the Actions dropdown menu.

    The window auto-populates the Entity Failing Over From and Entity Failing Over To locations from the recovery plan you select.

  3. Specify the following information:

    1. From the Clusters dropdown menu in Entity Failing Over From, select the checkbox associated with the Nutanix cluster that contains the protected entities.

    2. From the Clusters dropdown menu in Entity Failing Over To, select the checkbox associated with the Nutanix cluster where you want to recover the protected entities.

    The Recovery Status section displays the total number of entities failing over from the primary cluster to the recovery cluster.

  4. Click Proceed

    The system validates the recovery plan and displays a summary of the validation. If the validation process lists any warnings and errors, click View Details to view the impact of the error, what caused the error, and how to resolve the error.

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